Humanity can't recycle its way out of the plastic pollution choking our oceans, lakes, rivers, and waterways. That's because a mere 6% of plastic is recycled. The rest winds up in landfill, the ocean, or in the atmosphere when incinerated where it releases toxic chemicals. Yet the amount of new plastic produced every year is exponentially increasing. But there is hope. We know that a significant amount of ocean-bound plastic could be minimized through greater awareness of our daily habits. At Coare, we highlight overlooked sources of plastic and inspire people to reflect on their choices for lasting, positive change.
Our campaigns focus on reducing single-use plastic including plastic bags, bottles, straws, coffee cups, and more. By taking a moment to rethink our daily choices, we empower people, communities, businesses, and governments to take actionable steps toward a cleaner, healthier ocean.
Coare provides the resources and guidance to help you better understand your impact and make informed decisions. It's possible to drive meaningful change in ocean conservation when we do it together. We invite you now to explore our initiatives and discover how you can contribute to a healthier ocean and planet for everyone.