2020 News

COARE Drafts Proposed Executive Order to reduce Single-use Plastic

18 Decmber 2020

Working with PPC, COARE drafted an Emergency Executive Order which would reduce single-use foodware waste exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic

Presidential Plastic Action Plan released

08 Decmber 2020

COARE was among the convening partners to draft and launch the Presidential Action Plan endorsed by more than 550 groups outlining 8 priority actions President-Elect Biden can take to tackle the plastic pollution crisis

COARE invited to join the "Group of Friends"

05 November 2020

COARE joined the Group of Friends to Combat Marine Plastic Pollution, a high level consortium of Country representatives and other Stakeholders working from the United Nations Headquarters to further international action towards a global treaty on plastic

Break Free From Plastic Prodution Act Introduced

11 February 2020

Ground-Breaking Legislation Addressing Source of Plastic Pollution Introduced to Congress

COARE addresses the UN Ocean Conference 2020

05 February 2020

On behalf of eight (8) other organizations, COARE's ED addressed the Assembly plenary to help set the agenda for upcoming meetings and negotiation